A few weeks ago i was so lucky, that i spent my holiday in a legendary part of Hungary, in the Mátra mountains (https://goo.gl/maps/Lv1ReqFNShJU4CGZA)…Actually my good friend invited me because of Easter. Of course as always, i coudn’t be able to leave my so loved 135mm DC at home. The camera body was an other true legend, the D700…
To be honest, i’m a huge fan of speedlights, and i use them as much as i can. But this time i wanted to travel as light as possible, and i wanted to give myself a little challenge too. Just one lens, one camera and the natural light.

Right at the beginnig i jumped in deep water.
This portrait was taken in my friends kitchen. The main light was the existing light in the room. The rim light on camera right was came from the door, and the rim light on camera left was came from the window.
The 135mm DC lens was at f/2.2, and the Defocus Ring was at f/2…
I always close down a little bit the aperture ring, usually to f/2.2 It’s hard to accept, but at f/2 it’s a little bit too soft to me.
For the rest of the pictures we went out to a nearby location. I simply couldn’t resist to the train tracks. I haven’t shoot these types of pictures almost a decade ago.

I know i know…it’s a cliché, but i had to shoot this picture 😂😂😂…

Yeahhh…The wind loved us too😄…
The light was hard, because it was just the beginning of the sunset. I absolutely loved that, because it has so many options too.
You don’t have to shoot portraits always at perfect sunset conditions.
Every kind of light can be beautiful, if you know, what should you do.
At this portrait the camera settings were the same, ISO 200, the Aperture was at f/2.2. Defocus Controll at f/2.
I intentionally shoot agains the sun, because i was curious about the lens capabilities in this situation.
I was surprised, but it handled it very well. I had no problems at all. I could shoot any kind of portraits agains hard light.

Let’s take some closeups!
At close distances i always try to stay at f/2.2 (which is my favourite aperture with this lens).
Of course you have to be very careful with it, because the DOF is very shallow.
Here i used my old strategy with the sun, which i call „RMB”, aka RIM – MAIN – BACK light. It’s very simple, and i never forget it under pressure.

Some stay, that this lens has poor autofocus. I don’t know what are they doing, but i haven’t got any problem with it since i’ve bought it a few years ago. Even at f/2.2. Of course you have to know the tricks with it, and i will write about them next time. At this picture i simply aimed at the bokeh. I loved that how this lens controll the background. The Defocus Control was at f/2…

There is not much to say, F/2.2, Defocus Control at F/2…

Cute modell, perfect picture…
Finally we finished the day with one of the cutest modell i’ve photographed since i do this job. I haven’t got any plan with her, she just has been herself. I’ve had nothing to do, just push the button.
Finally i have to say, that is you are thinking about to buy this lens, don’t forget, that you should be able to use it properly. It’s an old fashion lens, and you have to know it inside – out…If you do so, then you will never be disappointed with it.
If you are interrested in more detail about the using of this lens, keep in touch, and wait for my next article about it.
If you are interrested in my studio portraits with this lens and with speedlights, please click here: https://helyesfoto.hu/portfolio/muveszi-portre/
If you want to see my pictures, please follow me on Flickr: